5 Reasons to Podcast as a Real estate agent in the Corona Season.

Jeremy D'cruz
3 min readNov 9, 2020


Podcasting, IGTV, and going live have quickly become the world’s preferred way of consuming information during the pandemic. With most cities around the world still in lockdown mode or partial lockdowns, these platforms have become a sense of motivation and essential methods to overcome social distance.

Podcast listenership has gone up in the past two months. Many are turning to podcasts to take their mind off the pandemic. And have now also started to get their daily source of business information from the many experts who log in.

Podcasts are more people-oriented. Hearing people talk about something, as opposed to reading about it, has made a huge impact.

Podcasting is Retable to Real Estate

Listening to podcasts is slowly becoming the new music, especially if you are concerned about your real estate investments during these challenging times. Podcasting for a real estate agent seems to have become a great marketing trend and way to regenerate lost leads owing to the pandemic.

One of the beautiful things about real estate is you are considered a community leader. Especially if you are a local business and who knows what is happening in your city.

Referrals from other agents

The pandemic has taught everyone around the world, that we are connected on a larger level. Getting to know of local real estate market trends, it’s not just consumers who notice have started to notice, other agents do too.

The credibility of a real estate agent builds through a podcast isn’t just for the consumer alone. Podcasts often show up in Google search results, so agents in other markets can find you and send deals your way.

Interviewing local business owners, real estate vendors, and other local figureheads to make your brand more synonymous with the city in which your investments are located.

Gifting Episodes to your leads.

When you as a real estate agent earn a lead, whether it’s from a referral, networking, or otherwise: The best things to do in that first crucial moment of contact send a gift.

Again, podcasting goals should not be limited only to the pursuit of a social media trend. Instead, it actually is a highly effective marketing tool at a micro level among your own business contacts ecosystem.

If the goal is to be the most innovative marketer on your block of real estate agents, ahead of the curve in marketing content strategy?

Well then; podcasting is your vehicle.

The new wave of networking

With social distancing norms fully established, it is going to be a while till we have the next business meeting abroad. We are on the cusp of a new wave of a digital revolution, which is going to blow traditional networking out of the water forever.

The Real estate sector has changed forever, owning a podcast now more than ever is beneficial to the real estate sector because it’s easy networking and it’s relatively inexpensive.

Using your podcast to network this way now will serve to make each interviewee a more loyal referral partner for the exposure you provide them during these challenging times.

Covid-19 focus

Episodes that have reference ‘corona’ or ‘covid-19’ in the episode title have been downloaded more than 27.5 million times globally, according to recent polls.

Despite all economic activities that came to a standstill, several real estate developers have registered good sales figures during the COVID-19 lockdown, owing to the strong digital presence.

Real estate podcast provides strategies that have been proven to work for real people and also ushers you into a community of approachable, like-minded people who are striving for better real estate options.

Keep in mind that listening to podcasts is not just for beginners; even the most seasoned and experienced investors can use podcasts as a way to continue their educations in real estate investments.

